< humanity is a natural agent in the ecology of the biosphere * human habitat is a force of nature that grows in response to available energy * super-abundant clean energy is coming * exponential computing is upon us * cities are evolving in response * old methods are breaking down * new methods are emerging >

< humanity is a natural agent in the ecology of the biosphere * human habitat is a force of nature that grows in response to available energy * super-abundant clean energy is coming * exponential computing is upon us * cities are evolving in response * old methods are breaking down * new methods are emerging >

Real estate
  • Maps and Mental Models

    The map is not the territory. How do maps and mental models of reality influence our understanding of the world?

  • Ideas about the future

    If we take stock of the challenges that will be addressed by humanity over the coming decades, they mainly involve adaptation, managing change, and navigating transitions.

  • Building Systems as a Service

    How do we make sustainable buildings that provide better utility by being more adaptable to change?

  • Circular urban design

    How can urban transformation create positive feedback loops that nudge communities toward circularity?

  • Generative urban design

    In generative design, algorithms generate 3D geometries in a parametric design space in response to competing design constraints.

  • Expansion District

    A two-part design thesis conceived to alleviate the worst effects of gentrification by taking an innovative approach to social housing.

  • Museums of [con]temporary art

    A reciprocal, cyclical, and ongoing design brief. Architects as long-term custodians of the public realm.

  • Industrial reconnection

    How might cities be redesigned if they didn’t have to cater to cars?


academic collaborators